From Buyer Insight to Revenue

How B2B Growth Leaders Are Converting Buyer Intelligence to Pipeline

The world of buyer intelligence is complex. Where do you even start?

We get it, the world of buyer intelligence is complex.

Data sources, questionnaire length, reaching your ideal customer profile (ICP), budget limitations, approval hurdles, timelines, analyzing the findings – finally ending with, “Should we just push this to next quarter?”

You’re not alone, because hundreds of fellow B2B tech companies are facing the same challenges as you. 

But Here's The Secret

Done right, buyer intelligence isn’t complex, it’s powerful. It unveils valuable insights to guide your B2B tech business decisions. When done right, buyer intelligence is only supposed to be one thing: insightful. 

So we’re embarking on a mission: to crack the buyer intelligence code. 

We’re surveying top B2B technology startups and scale-ups on what works, what doesn’t and what is best-in-class buyer intelligence.

What is this research about?


Current landscape

The research analyzes how companies gather buyer intelligence data today. What sources they tap into, what leaders think, and where the inefficiencies lie.


Unlocking the potential of buyer intelligence

This research hopes to uncover why companies collect buyer intelligence data and how they use it. Is to enhance customer journeys, shorten the sales cycle or to get a better ROI on marketing?


Demystifying buyer intelligence

Buyer intelligence can be daunting, but by understanding its challenges, buyer intelligence collection and application strategies can be made accessible. This research hopes to do just that.

What’s in it for you?


Opportunity to be featured

If your insights are valuable, we’ll feature you and your department/company in the research and perhaps even quote you.


Exclusive early access

You get early and free access to the $2999 report, sent directly to your inbox.


Access to benchmarking data

You’ll know how efficient your processes are compared to industry peers, and areas for improvement.

Who are we?

About Klear

Klear helps B2B technology companies go to market by launching pipeline boosting ABM campaigns and creating invaluable assets for growth teams. By investing in understanding our market’s challenges, we stay on top of evolving landscapes, ensuring we can continue to empower our customers to do better, every step of the way.

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Tuesdays 11 AM ET, 5 PM CET