Strategize and execute
ABM campaigns.
Align GTM teams.

Maximize Revenue.

If you’re already a Rainmaker Subscriber, you can login here

If you are a B2B technology marketer, go-to market practicioner or founder, you need to hear this:

The market is saturated, B2B sales cycles are longer than ever, and the “bad economy” is constantly looming over our heads like a bad omen… or at least, for those who aren’t prepared and equipped.  

At least a few hundred B2B newsletters have said the same things in the past year, so no surprise there.

And you, being the dynamic B2B marketing/GTM/RevOps powerhouse have already come to the conclusion that marketing needs to do more. 

You’re perfectly aware that no one’s closing 800K or even 80K deals with dry, boring, cold outreach. Nobody is winning with old-school lead gen in high-ticket B2B, either. 

But, leadership wants results NOW, and you’re already making do with tight resources. 

You know the way forward is playing the quality game, not the volume game. 

That internal alignment, taking on a marketing-led approach to growth, and earning marketing a seat at the revenue table is the only way forward.

And as hundreds of other marketers who’ve had this divine revelation can tell you, you’re in the right place.

But switching to a marketing-led approach, aligning teams, and running ABM campaigns are no easy feats.

So, how do you go about this, without losing your sanity, or your job? 

You sign up for the Rainmaker Membership. 

For 500/month, you get access to the blueprints that GTM experts with years of experience use to run successful campaigns. Step-by-step formulas to get you from 0 to 100, all in the same place. 

Plus, a bunch of other cool benefits like a slack community with other marketers in the same boat as you, access to ABM expert advice, support implementing the revenue growthmapping tool, and unreleased goodies.

You can find the fine print 

To ensure that all rainmaker members get the maximum ROI from the membership, we have chosen to keep this exclusive. To qualify for the membership, we first need to discuss your goals, aspirations and current realities. 

If you’re ready to take the first step, register here and we will reach out to you:

If you’re already a Rainmaker Subscriber, you can login here:

Register for the Live Sessions

Tuesdays 11 AM ET, 5 PM CET