How’s your Employee Value Proposition looking?

Getting the right butts in the right seats is just as important as getting the right things done

Truth is: you need to treat talent acquisition with the same rigor (what an untrendy word, I know!) as you treat client acquisition.

The reality for many tech companies today is that a bottleneck to growth isn’t a lack of new leads or clients… it’s a lack of the right butts in the right seats.

Marketing can’t help you with the right seats, but you can certainly apply B2B growth principles to recruiting. Think about it… to get the best talent:
1. your company needs to be an attractive place to work
2. you’ve got to define the right target personas for the job
3. you need compelling targeting, messaging and be good at delivering the message on the right channels
4. you need to nurture and stay in touch with talent – because most of the best people will still be employed

…the list goes on. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like marketing to me.

Yet, many companies still aren’t clear on the Employee Value Proposition and haven’t positioned the company as an employer adequately.

There is a cool framework for this, and we go into some deets on ep 27:

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