Alright, let’s settle a simple but important debate, shall we? (Warning: you might get offended.)
These are two truths that many leaders in IT and tech innately know to be true, but have a hard time facing and actualizing.
Truth #1: You need to have a personal voice on LinkedIn.
People will engage with content coming from PEOPLE, and not from company pages.
Truth #2: Your personal profile isn’t for resharing company news. If that’s all you use Li for, know that you’re just adding to the noise. (Sorry.)
You don’t go to LinkedIn to read news of feature releases and company updates. Nor do you wake up wondering about who was featured in some magazine you’ve never heard about.
You go to Li for value, insight, inspiration, community-connections.
So, provide THAT for the platform and its community, if you want Li to work for you. It’s not hard, it’s not a matter of free time. It’s a matter of habit.
Now, the bragging and PR do have their place on Li. You can be pitching and talking about your company… about 5-10% of the time.
If you follow that principle of 90% give and 10% ask, your promotion (the asks) will be nested in value and will fall in fertile soil. And blossom.
I’m pretty sure you knew all this already. But knowing and doing are two different things. 😉