What people think B2B social video 📹 should be about:
– sounding smart
– looking flawless
– making a professional presentation
Who could blame them for thinking that? They’re positive values, right? Yes.
Except for the fact that social selling works on a different set of premises. And these false assumptions paralyze ppl, so they never launch.
What actually engages your prospects and turns them into sales opportunities:
– giving actionable, un-hyped advice. Even if it’s simple.
– being approachable » being OK with imperfection.
– demonstrating you understand their challenges – and showing the step-by-step process to a happy ending.
There are just a few things to keep in mind to build a presence and get sales opportunities from social media:
1. Know your buyers inside and out – and talk about shit that matters to them. And nothing else.
2. Create simple pieces of actionalbe content broken into steps
3. Have a system to repurpose and distribute this content
We now have multiple clients at Klear B2B paying €45-50K/year and a few more in the pipe, where the primary acquisition channel were these video-snippets grabbed from our Electric B2B Show.
Either of the 2 guys in this video can show your tech co the way.