What is your big WHY behind marketing?
See, some of the coolest outcomes of good marketing aren’t related to revenue.
Sure, the most obvious result of executing the right marketing strategy (as opposed to jumping on trends and shiny objects) is: more money.
Because you target the right companies who pay more and you acquire more of the right clients easier. But, the fun and benefits don’t end here.
Great B2B marketing has very generous positive side effects on the entire organization. To make things better, these positive side effects compound into and upward spiral of ever more awesomeness. Consider these B2B marketing-side-effects:
– Happier sales (sales dept.)
– Better clients, more exciting projects. Less bad clients and boring projects. (product/dev depts.)
– Better customer experience »» easier and more upselling (customer success, sales)
– Easier talent acquisition (HR dept.)
The list goes on and on… Because executing *the right marketing strategy* (again, as opposed to religiously following marketing gurus) is so important, we dove into how to build a team that can do that in episode 12 of the Electric B2B show. Link: https://klearb2b.com/building-a-revenue-marketing-department-from-the-ground-up/