There is no such thing as building a brand.
Think about it. A brand in B2B is really the sum of experiences with your company « that’s a common and true definition, but hardly actionable.
Experiences with a business go far beyond visuals or physical touchpoints at the office « things people usually associate with B2B branding.
When we mean branding, we’re talking about the emotions, the sentiment that is weaved into your communications, product and every single touchpoint with your prospects, customers, employees and partners.
Brand is the ubiquitous, omnipresent aura of emotion that penetrates everything you say and do.
That is not something you can build. It’s something you breed and nurture, and then never stop nurturing and enriching it.
What you CAN build, is a brand narrative. It’s a freakishly effective method of using story to infuse your brand as the prospect starts their journey, through them becoming customers and advocates.
There’s a 7-step proecess we discuss in episode 15 of the Electric B2B Show. Link:
Then in the ep. after that, you’ll learn to apply the brand narrative to an area of your revenue operations (aka: making money): the proposal process.
This should help make branding a tangible and actionable thing that ties right into sales.