Social selling power score

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Here’s what we did to the Li account of a busy CEO with less than 2000 connections to
– boost their reach almost 3x and
– 2.5+x the engagement on their posts…
– grew followers by 10%
– But most importantly, ended up going from 3-4 LinkedIn-originated sales conversations PER YEAR to……»» 🔥4 Li-originated sales conversations PER MONTH

…all in 30 days. You can see today’s screenshot from SHIELD…

I’m walking you through everything we did in this post.

Spoiler: there are no secrets, no “big reveal”.

So, here is what we focused on deliberately…

ONE: Double the number of posts. A no brainer if you’re posting less than 5 per week.

This had to be a biggie, however, in itself it wouldn’t have done the trick.

We went from ca. 2 posts per week to 4 posts per week… but how come views almost tripled? Read on.

TWO: better topic research. We narrowed down the topics the CEO posted about while researching what was hot currently on the market.

THREE: more help, more real stuff. We focused on case-study like content, shared real numbers and focused on serving, providing, helping.

We stayed away from theoretical posts that had been dominating previously.

FOUR: Connect proactively. Previously, this CEO didn’t give a dang about connecting proactively.

Now, we sent a message to every 2nd and 3rd degree connection who interacted with the posts saying “Thanks for engaging on my ___ post, I hope we can stay in touch”.

One of the 4 inbound leads came from this message.

FIVE (this is a biggie): Linkedin alone is not enough. Marketing is a multi-channel game and you have to have other ways of engaging customers and keep the convo going once you’re connected.

We created interactive assessments that helped the target market understand their situation better we generated a positive content experience.

(You can see an example here »

This got the company 41 relevant sign-ups for the newsletter, but there was_no_outreach to new contacts who fit the ICP.

That would have been uncool, right? All we did was connect with relevant people on Li.

SIX: refine your topics and POV based on the learnings of step 5: the assessment provided us with a ton of new insight about the audience.

So for the 2nd half of the 30 days, we refined the topics/positioning and thus posted stuff that resonated even more.

See, no big secrets! Except, maybe…

…no. 5 is something hardly any B2B company does, but it amplifies the efforts of social selling big time.

To give you a few more pointers, I’ve 🥁
created an assessment to help you see where you stand in social selling “powers”.

Wanna check out the Social Selling Power Score assessment? Here »

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