Short guide on how not to be a pretentious ass

“Never use jargon words like reconceptualize, demassification, attitudinally, judgmentally. They are hallmarks of a pretentious ass.” (The first person to guess who the quote is from without googling gets a dinner from me.) could add about 235 other words there, couldn't you? Synergy would probably top the list :)...

Three pillars of B2B marketing + principles

Many B2B marketing programs end up being “meeh”. On the surface, they’re doing the right things. You really have to peel back the curtain to figure out what holds the company back from the results they deserve.   I’ve found that 98% of the time, it’s a mindset issue. You...

Core skills to excel at marketing

How do you build a marketing department for a tech product or service company? A key question that tech leaders ask is along the lines of: from the 2352 different marketing skills and capabilities, what are some core skills I need for my first 4-5 marketing hires? In B2B technology...

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