Making B2B brands exciting

What if your B2B brand were exciting? You know, like the way the best consumer brands hook crowds and turn them into followers. Heck, disciples. Yes, you can do that even in dull and boring B2B sectors: have your brand explode and have people talking even outside your market. The...

Using emotion in communication

Does your communication and demand generation use emotion, story, and even ecstasy? C'mon, we're a B2B company, we can't do that?! Bullship, I say to that. If I say to you: tech companies' marketing... then I bet that excitement, fun and emotion are not the first (or 29th) things that...

90:10 rule on LinkedIn

Alright, let’s settle a simple but important debate, shall we? (Warning: you might get offended.) These are two truths that many leaders in IT and tech innately know to be true, but have a hard time facing and actualizing. Truth #1: You need to have a personal voice on LinkedIn....

personal branding haunting you?

So, this super-bright exec from a SW dev company is on a Zoom with me. He stares right into his camera and thus straight in my eyes and declares: “We need to be doing thought leadership.” Me: “Yes, you do”. Crickets. Silence. Me again: “So, what’s stopping you?” More crickets....

Flipping the buyer-persona-thinking

Doing complex B2B marketing? Want to DEEPLY understand your market and your buyer personas? 👉Then screw buyer persona research👈🏻 least the way most go about it. Sounds harsh? Maybe, but the way it's mostly taught and done is incomplete and makes_no_sense for services w/ long sales cycles, buying committees....

Marketing boring things

Raise your hand if you like to market and sell boring, uninteresting things... I hear crickets. Who does, right? Actually, I kinda do now. Here is a challenge: can you create something exciting out of something that is unsexy? Ok, it’s easy to create a story around already popular, technologically-superior,...

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