The right questions to ask when starting out with marketing

You’re a sales leader or a founder. You know you need (more) marketing. You know it should ultimately drive sales and revenue. But, you’re confused about where to start… or whether you’re on the right path.  It’s not your fault - there are many misconceptions out there on how to...

win the war for talent

When tech companies hire our marketing firm to help 'em get big clients, the conversation very quickly shifts to this: EMPLOYER BRANDING »» attracting and retaining talent.  The tech sector is probably one of the fiercest places out there in the war for talent. The truth is that attracting and...

Niche down to move up

Many (especially) service-companies want a larger piece of the international pie... but, are unsure about how to start marketing and selling in a new market.  Want to know how a few everyday-B2B companies are successfully doing it? They start with strategy (you knew that); specifically, by niching down.  This serves...

Klear’s category design

Been going on about blue oceans and category design... And I thought: wouldn't it be fun if I told you how my company, Klear B2B (B2B marketing-growth agency, consultancy and training) is doing its own category design? 1. Discover and validate: we discovered from client conversations that B2B agencies' modus...

Does your B2B agency care about your goals?

The harsh reality is, most B2B agencies' interests are not aligned with yours - their client's interests. That's because most agencies' revenue model makes it necessary for them to sell more and more work and projects to you, and deliver them in a standardized way. This goal will sometimes align...

The B2B agency model is broken

The B2B agency model is broken. The way 99% of saas/growth/b2b agencies operate is wrong. Why? Because it creates misaligned interests between client&agency. The two eventually end up rowing in different boats in differing directions. Think about it: 1. agency makes money by creating output: posts, graphics, vids etc. The...

How to spot the bad apple, agency edition

So, you're looking for solid tech/saas marketing help - and you're unsure how to tell whether an agency boasting nice logos really know their game. Don't fall for the logos, look at their mindset and approach. What you want to discover 10 minutes into the conversation is this: they view...

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