Scaling in B2B is about to look very different

How you take your B2B tech company from a few million $ per year to $8-10 mil ARR will be very different in the coming few years, from how it was done even just a couple years ago.  That’s because the environment where marketing and sales happen is changing in...

Getting your ICP right

“This strategy ain’t worth a dang unless you’re very clear on your ICP… and consequently, have targeted, on-point messaging.”  ☝ This is the proverbial fine print on any piece of marketing advice we ever talk about or publish. It means: you can have all other pieces of the ABM-puzzle right,...

The #1 sales & marketing killer

What causes your marketing and sales to die? ☠️ I'll tell you. It's two words: 🥁 Generic messaging. If what your communicating is 1. unhelpful for the buyer 2. self-aggrendizing 3. feature-focused 4. boring ...or all of the above, you end up using words that don't excite and don't sell....

Content quality vs. aesthetics

You might hate me for this, but here it goes… Your prospects don’t care about you. They only care about how you can help them. A damaging misconception lurks around out there, in content marketing and thought leadership. Here it is:’s the “content needs to be professional-looking” myth; that...

Marketing 101. Is it really that simple?

When you're a tech service company and want to expand internationally, the shortcut seems to be to find a partner who can subcontract work to you. Of course, this can be rewarding in many ways, but it definitely ain't a good strategy for several reasons. If you want independent, sustainable...

Don’t be everything to everyone

IT development companies face several challenges when they try to expand (and go international). One of the better problems they have is being good at a multitude of things; with a bit of exaggeration, they'll code anything anywhere on any device. Why is this a problem? Because it makes it...

Niche down to move up

Many (especially) service-companies want a larger piece of the international pie... but, are unsure about how to start marketing and selling in a new market.  Want to know how a few everyday-B2B companies are successfully doing it? They start with strategy (you knew that); specifically, by niching down.  This serves...

Klear’s category design

Been going on about blue oceans and category design... And I thought: wouldn't it be fun if I told you how my company, Klear B2B (B2B marketing-growth agency, consultancy and training) is doing its own category design? 1. Discover and validate: we discovered from client conversations that B2B agencies' modus...

Creating a category instead of leading it

This is the no.1 marketing question most businesses in competitive B2B markets ask: 👉 How can I stand out? How can I be unique? Here are 2 approaches. both can work depending on your product, market and other factors: 1. you can reposition your solution in the market 2. you...

Be the 1%

Let's say, you're the 67th company to move into a market offering a solution or technology that is almost identical to the other 66 companies' solution. Is this such a bad thing? Not necessarily - it depends on the size of the pie you're sharing with your competitors. But what...

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