Improving lead gen efficiency

When a CEO or sales VP tells me: “Our leadgen efforts suck. Let’s improve the efficiency”… and I go: 🤔 ⁉️ ”what do you mean?” They tell me: “we’re hardly getting any meetings booked but we know the solution! - we just need better scripts - we need a nurturing...

Niching down for IT development companies

You have teeth, right? You likely also own a few spoons. Yet, you still buy a bottle opener to open bottles and don't use your teeth or other utensils. Because: people and companies are drawn to specialized solutions. Or - this is important - what they *perceive* to be a...

Adding personality to your marketing & sales collateral

Most B2B marketing and sales collateral sucks. There is a reason why “B2B” has been dubbed “boring to boring”.  Is there a quick fix? Yes. 1. Go read your homepage now for 8 seconds 2. Put yourself in your best customers’ shoes… before they became your clients… 3. Ask yourself:...

The 5 steps to a better story

In marketing, a story is NOT a nicely written series of events in chronological order. A story is a narrative that pulls in your customers and attracts them like a gigantic magnet. Because it resonates with them on multiple deeper levels. In order for a story to work in marketing...

Turning crisis into opportunity

Three truths ☝ 1. it’s never been more crowded in the B2B technology scape. 2. the global economic climate hasn’t been this dull and gloomy for over a decade 3. despite the above, the OPPORTUNITY to sell Saas and IT services has never been this good “But that doesn’t make...

3 simple questions: Have, Feel, Average day

I’m not a fan of shortcuts... except when they work. This is one instance where they do: krafting kompelling kopy.  You know how you’re supposed to communicate benefits, not features? Going a step beyond that is communicating business outcomes that really speak to the minds and hearts of your buyers. ...

long-term success vs. short-term success in B2B marketing

Freshly funded Saas CEO: we’ve got money.  Average marketer: And a good product.  CEO: Gimme a plan to “hockey-stick” and triple revenue in 19 months! Marketer: Sure. We’ll dominate all the growth channels. I’ll hire the best seo agency ppc agency social media agency growth hacker ux person copywriter (the...

Category creation in B2B

You've just got to love strategies that are counterintuitive to status quo-thinking. Where you’d first think “this makes no sense, this will make a company go bankrupt”… An example is open sourcing a technology’s source code. Or making a major part of a software service freely available.  The first time...

Should you be upfront with pricing?

Just got off a call with a client. We recommended they display pricing on their website (enterprise-grade software product). The reason is simple: buyers LOVE to quickly get an idea of the investment that your solution requires. They HATE to have to call a sales person to just enquire about...

Revolution without techincal innovation

Ask your customers what they want and give it to them! Sorta true, but meh. Here is the thing: This approach won't lead you to a solution that changes the status quo. It'll never disrupt and if you're in a competitive space, others will have likely done it. Want to...

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