How to attract talent: employer branding – ep 27

When tech companies hire our marketing firm to help 'em get big clients, the conversation very quickly shifts to this: EMPLOYER BRANDING »» attracting and retaining talent. The tech sector is probably one of the fiercest places in the war for talent. The truth is that attracting and keeping (the...

How B2B Marketing is Changing – ep 26

Marketing is being flipped on its head, and most players don't even realize it. All they see is the constant change, but few realize the driving forces, let alone the direction we're heading. This is actually good news, as you will see. Over the past two decades, part of the...

The greatest content marketing opportunity in B2B – ep 25

Have you heard the news of the B2B company that went bankrupt because it created awesome content and distributed its valuable insights and methods? You know, the Saas that had a great marketing team that came up with new concepts, created unique positioning, published all the thinking and intelligence behind...

A strategy- and messaging framework for ABM – ep 24

In the red-hot and amazingly cool community of RevGenius, a lively conversation popped up the other day. The question was: who has a "templatized messaging framework". Truth be told, we don't believe in templatized strategies, but obviously, we do have our tools which we're constantly refining. Because strategy and messaging...

Creating your company’s brand narrative – ep 15

We totally. 100% believe what's written in the subtitle: a brand narrative should be a fundamental piece of your messaging strategy and this episode will outline how to create one for your B2B business. A brand narrative impacts at least three areas beyond marketing: customer successsalesvision/mission What?! What's a brand...

The B2B agency-model is broken – ep 14

So, this episode of the Electric B2B Show emerged out of this conversation on Linkedin, but it's actually rooted in a previous discussion we had with a client. The harsh reality is, most B2B agencies are not rowing in the same direction, as you - their client. That's because most...

Thought leadership done better – ep 10

Flipping the perspective on thought leadership The goal of thought leadership simply put is: make your company look smart, so as to build authority. While true, it’s the wrong perspective.  We’re fans of framing goals and strategy from the viewpoint of the customer. Our advice: flip this around and approach...

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