The greatest content marketing opportunity in B2B – ep 25

Have you heard the news of the B2B company that went bankrupt because it created awesome content and distributed its valuable insights and methods? You know, the Saas that had a great marketing team that came up with new concepts, created unique positioning, published all the thinking and intelligence behind...

The B2B agency-model is broken – ep 14

So, this episode of the Electric B2B Show emerged out of this conversation on Linkedin, but it's actually rooted in a previous discussion we had with a client. The harsh reality is, most B2B agencies are not rowing in the same direction, as you - their client. That's because most...

Building a tech company on culture – ep 13

When a tech company that started from a college dorm in the remote hills of North-East Slovakia, and then quickly grows to 75 people, and is delivering top-line solutions to fintech companies Europe-wide; you know there are lessons to be learned. We dive deep into the beautiful story of GoodRequest...

Your prospects don’t care about you – ep 7

Fundamentally, all your prospects care about is what you can do for them. Not the way you look, sound or even how "professional" your company is. This shift in perspective will liberate your marketing and outbound activities. Yet, the fear of not looking "professional" enough and the assumption that you...

Challenge ON: how to market boring things – ep 4

Here is a challenge: instead of going for really exciting marketing projects or careers, try something different for a change: market a product that is really dull. Like, a commodity. Like, nuts and bolts.  Now, THAT is a huge marketing challenge. Great marketing is about creating a story around the...

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