KPIs for B2B marketing

“So what’s the ROI on B2B marketing/ABM/Linkedin/xyz/[insert unquantifiable initiative]?” I think there is a time and place for that question, but it’s definitely not at the beginning of the journey. If you’re a sales-first company building out marketing, here is how to think about measuring marketing’s ROI or success: 1️⃣B2B...

How many MQLs are too many MQLs?

MQLs are cool. I want all the Marketing Qualified Leads I can get, and then some. I know this sounds like sacrilege to many... If it does, it's because they either - have the wrong definition of what an MQL is or - have the wrong process of dealing with...

Creating great buying experiences

me: I’m interested in your software. sales rep: let’s set up a demo me: sure, I’m in! [sales rep does the demo. low (no) pressure, not salesy. cool, i thought.] After the demo, I’m not totally ready to commit, but I have the budget and I’m totally interested. What he...

Revenue Operations: doing social selling right

Let me walk you through a neat way to do demand generation and lead generation in the same instance, without messing up social selling. You can copy everything in this mini case study, get set up in a day or two, and be on your way to social selling cooldom....

Asking the wrong questions?

When a tech company is sales-driven, they will realize at one point that they need to: - generate demand at scale, not just through biz dev reps - differentiate - create thought leadership - have a “brand” (however we define that) etc. That's what marketing is for, isn't it!? -...

Doing ABM right

Here is encouraging success to kick things off in ABM, coming to you in the form of the shortest account based marketing case study ever: - Product: digital identity Saas - Average deal size: around $20K - What they’ve been doing so far: cold outreach - How cold outreach has...

KPIs for B2B marketing

“So what’s the ROI on B2B marketing/ABM/Linkedin/xyz/[insert unquantifiable initiative]?” I think there is a time and place for that question, but it’s definitely not at the beginning of the journey. If you’re a sales-first company building out marketing, here is how to think about measuring marketing’s ROI or success: 1️⃣B2B...

Strategy-first approach to ABM

Here is how to lose faith very fast in account-based marketing and go back to the old way of doing lead generation: 1. realize you want to “try ABM” 2. choose a platform or technology 3. try to “make the technology work” and hope for results What’s wrong with this...

Creating better buying experiences

Today, account-based marketing - the way most people think about it - is mostly this: 1. getting intent data and 2. running account-targeted ads. Sure, those are important things, but if they're the focus… then ABM will lead to disappointment. I argue that the focus of ABM should be..... 🎇...

Integrating sales, marketing and customer success departments

Probably 9 out of 10 high-ACV companies are sales-driven, where marketing plays just a supportive role. Is that a problem? No, it's an opportunity for you if you're able to think about growth holistically and integrate marketing, sales and customer success. So that everyone is rowing in the same direction....

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