Executing the ideal ABM strategy

What is the FASTEST, surefire way to execute an account-based marketing strategy? Hint: it’s not a sexy, trendy thing. For starters, ⏳ content takes a long time… paid ads can yield fast results, but require deep market knowledge and experimentation » usually not an early-stage tactic Here is a play...

Time to cut off a few prospects

Ready to actually CROSS OUT some great-looking prospects from your target account list? Here’s why you should do it…  Disqualifying prospects is just as important as finding the right qualifying factors. It helps trim the fat on your target list. And for launching ABM programs, you do want a lean...

Where should you spend your $$$?

Where should you spend your marketing budget? What should you do with your advertising money? Marketing fundamentals in this spinoff here, ladies and gentlemen... When launching marketing or advertising, always look for the low-hanging fruit. Spend money FIRST and foremost in places where you'll get the most immediate return. (There's...

Does advertising on LI make sense for you?

Should we advertise on LinkedIn? There are two things to consider. Thing #1? CLV, or your customer lifetime value: if it's below $10-$15K, you're going to have a tough time making a return on LinkedIn. A lot of companies get this. It's a good rule of thumb that's easy to...

When should SDRs step in?

Sales development reps ROCK… that is, IF they are managed right. But the way most people use an SDR team, they’re leaving a lot of money on the table. With tier 1 accounts, you want to experiment with involving SDRs as early in the marketing-process as possible: reaching out to...

Getting quality leads 101

How do you kill a B2B marketing program fast? How do you burn mountains of money with little to show for on the bottom line? Easy. Just play the let's get a lot of leads game. Give the leads to sales/SDRs... and watch them stay up late every day... and...

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