Inbound or Outbound? Allbound

Can we just settle this debate once and for all? There are three camps: 1. the inbound cult 2. the outbound cult 3. those who just want to get results and realize they need both toolkits. I'm in the third one. And I have a grand time doing integrated, allbound...

The priming strategy that works for YOU

B2B sales leader: Hey, lead generation isn't working like it used to! What are we doing wrong? Me: You're not priming your accounts before you reach out to them. Sales leader: 🤨❓ 🙋🏻‍♂️ Me: Rather than trying to get a discovery call from a fresh contact so that you can...

Improving lead gen efficiency

When a CEO or sales VP tells me: “Our leadgen efforts suck. Let’s improve the efficiency”… and I go: 🤔 ⁉️ ”what do you mean?” They tell me: “we’re hardly getting any meetings booked but we know the solution! - we just need better scripts - we need a nurturing...

Leading vs. lagging indicators

Should marketers even consider leads as an indicator? Or just remove the term from their vocabulary altogether? I think of leads as a - wait for it - leading metric to make sure you're on the right track with your marketing efforts. When you have sales cycles in the 3-6-9+...

Paradigm shift in leadgen

In many places, the majority of cold leadgen efforts are quantifiably wasted, thrown out the window. The worst part: some leaders are reluctant to admit this to themselves - which would start with calculating the loss they're generating each month doing cold outbound with 3 SDRs and getting peanuts in...

Strategy-first approach to ABM

Here is how to lose faith very fast in account-based marketing and go back to the old way of doing lead generation: 1. realize you want to “try ABM” 2. choose a platform or technology 3. try to “make the technology work” and hope for results What’s wrong with this...

Outbound direct campaigns, the ABM way

If you’re a sales leader, this will strike close to home: outbound direct marketing rocks. As unfashionable as this opinion is… I love outbound direct campaigns on LinkedIn and email, even on the phone. ABM-style. Some dismiss these types of B2B campaigns as: “not real marketing, it’s just doing sales...

Give and take, not give and give

Be super-generous with content, don't try to pitch and sell - the buyers will just come. Yeah, right. This myth feels credible, but it's one-sided. Here's the thing... (Not gonna be a popular, but here I go) Agreeing with the need to give give give, I also think that in...

Common indicators for LI and TikTok

Views, clicks, followers. According to smart people, these are so-called vanity metrics you're not supposed to care much about. To an extent that's true, but here is a more nuanced approach you might find useful... Whether or not views (or any other metric) is a meaningful indicator for YOU, depends...

Highest bidder wins

In the long run, whoever can pay the most to acquire a customer, wins. If you want to be able to pay more than your competitor in the long run, just two things have to be in place: 1. you need an efficient growth process that can reliably get new...

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