Micro-committing your way into your prospect’s life

Here is how to fix a B2B funnel with some ABM and common sense, by applying some micro-commitments. Sales folks tend to understand and use the power of micro-commitments more than the average B2B marketing gal or guy. (B2C marketers also have an advantage here.) But WTH is a micro-commitment?...

What works better for video? Short-form or long-form?

Here is why you should keep doing longer videos regardless of what the average view-time stats and engagement stats tell you... The prospects who end up going deep in your pipeline and sometimes all the way to closed-won... they want and need the insight, the depth from your videos. These...

Leveraging LI to work for you

Your LinkedIn presence can have three pillars: 1. organic content: posting stuff on your personal profile. This includes commenting. 2. advertising content: paying to put content in front of your target audience (with company profile) 3. making connections - growing your network (through your personal profile) Most companies are scared...

Where should you spend your $$$?

Where should you spend your marketing budget? What should you do with your advertising money? Marketing fundamentals in this spinoff here, ladies and gentlemen... When launching marketing or advertising, always look for the low-hanging fruit. Spend money FIRST and foremost in places where you'll get the most immediate return. (There's...

LinedIn isn’t social media

Are you showing up regularly and kicking butt on Linkedin? If not - if you think there is a lot more to Li than what you're currently getting out of it - then here is some uncommon, but helpful advice: Don't think of Linkedin as social media. You see, in...

SDRs as thought leaders

Lots of companies struggle with SDRs having to warm up prospects on Linkedin, reach out and engage them, but not knowing how. So, marketing or AEs have SDRs pasting templates into InMail and connection request in hopes of getting a response from a C-suite prospect. Clearly ain't working. SDRs have...

Marketing-led proposals

I will get stoned for this, but oh well, here it is: Marketing needs to lead the proposal-process in your company. I say this, because we end up creating it at so many clients who start working with us. The proposal, as a whole, should accurately reflect your brand narrative....

The psychology behind micro-commitments

A call-to-action in your marketing (like, getting a visitor to tap a button, engage with a bot, fill out a form etc.) is about more than getting a lead and eventually a sale. It's about getting a micro-commitment, a micro buy-in. The psychology behind those is that you'll more easily...

90:10 rule on LinkedIn

Alright, let’s settle a simple but important debate, shall we? (Warning: you might get offended.) These are two truths that many leaders in IT and tech innately know to be true, but have a hard time facing and actualizing. Truth #1: You need to have a personal voice on LinkedIn....

personal branding haunting you?

So, this super-bright exec from a SW dev company is on a Zoom with me. He stares right into his camera and thus straight in my eyes and declares: “We need to be doing thought leadership.” Me: “Yes, you do”. Crickets. Silence. Me again: “So, what’s stopping you?” More crickets....

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