How many MQLs are too many MQLs?

MQLs are cool. I want all the Marketing Qualified Leads I can get, and then some. I know this sounds like sacrilege to many... If it does, it's because they either - have the wrong definition of what an MQL is or - have the wrong process of dealing with...

priming: new-school demand gen

Here are the five simple steps we implemented to 3x engagement&reach and get 4 inbound leads in just 30 days from just one small account. Can you use Linkedin for lead generation? Yes, but not in the traditional leadgen way. You've got to use this platform to connect and prime...

Social selling power score

Here’s what we did to the Li account of a busy CEO with less than 2000 connections to - boost their reach almost 3x and - 2.5+x the engagement on their posts… - grew followers by 10% - But most importantly, ended up going from 3-4 LinkedIn-originated sales conversations PER...

7-letter star: priming

The simple solution to pretty much all your pipeline problems is a 7-letter word. (Scroll for the answer if you're impatient...) Let's see what most B2B companies struggle with when it comes to pipe and going to market:- leads not converting (maybe they weren't even leads in the first place?)-...

Revenue Operations: doing social selling right

Let me walk you through a neat way to do demand generation and lead generation in the same instance, without messing up social selling. You can copy everything in this mini case study, get set up in a day or two, and be on your way to social selling cooldom....

The priming strategy that works for YOU

B2B sales leader: Hey, lead generation isn't working like it used to! What are we doing wrong? Me: You're not priming your accounts before you reach out to them. Sales leader: 🤨❓ 🙋🏻‍♂️ Me: Rather than trying to get a discovery call from a fresh contact so that you can...

Creating better buying experiences

Today, account-based marketing - the way most people think about it - is mostly this: 1. getting intent data and 2. running account-targeted ads. Sure, those are important things, but if they're the focus… then ABM will lead to disappointment. I argue that the focus of ABM should be..... 🎇...

Common indicators for LI and TikTok

Views, clicks, followers. According to smart people, these are so-called vanity metrics you're not supposed to care much about. To an extent that's true, but here is a more nuanced approach you might find useful... Whether or not views (or any other metric) is a meaningful indicator for YOU, depends...

Don’t just capture demand, generate it

There is all this buzz around technology that signals intent at target accounts.  SDRs love it, marketing loves it because it’s simple. This is the rough process: 1. intent signal comes from the account 2. marketing launches awareness campaign targeting the account 3. SDR calls the account when there is...

Direct mail in 2022

Direct mail is probably the oldest trick in the ABM-book. And it works like gangbusters. Even in the age of digital and the coming (?) metaverse, sending a surprising, personal and thoughtful gift along with a letter printed out on paper, in the mail, will always rock.  …provided, you do it...

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