Successful social selling mechanisms

What’s the visible part of social selling success on LinkedIn? I’m talking about selling products and services leveraging LinkedIn. This is different from building a personal brand and getting a lot of followers (which is not a necessary component of successful social selling, BTW).  So, back to the question: what...

priming: new-school demand gen

Here are the five simple steps we implemented to 3x engagement&reach and get 4 inbound leads in just 30 days from just one small account. Can you use Linkedin for lead generation? Yes, but not in the traditional leadgen way. You've got to use this platform to connect and prime...

Social selling power score

Here’s what we did to the Li account of a busy CEO with less than 2000 connections to - boost their reach almost 3x and - 2.5+x the engagement on their posts… - grew followers by 10% - But most importantly, ended up going from 3-4 LinkedIn-originated sales conversations PER...

Common indicators for LI and TikTok

Views, clicks, followers. According to smart people, these are so-called vanity metrics you're not supposed to care much about. To an extent that's true, but here is a more nuanced approach you might find useful... Whether or not views (or any other metric) is a meaningful indicator for YOU, depends...

B2B on TikTok: yay or nay

Me in 2006: “social media is not for B2B” Me in 2007: “Twitter is for B2B but not Facebook” Me in 2012: “Tw and Facebook can work for B2B but not Instagram” I was late to the show three times and I’m not about to repeat it with the social...

Micro-committing your way into your prospect’s life

Here is how to fix a B2B funnel with some ABM and common sense, by applying some micro-commitments. Sales folks tend to understand and use the power of micro-commitments more than the average B2B marketing gal or guy. (B2C marketers also have an advantage here.) But WTH is a micro-commitment?...

What works better for video? Short-form or long-form?

Here is why you should keep doing longer videos regardless of what the average view-time stats and engagement stats tell you... The prospects who end up going deep in your pipeline and sometimes all the way to closed-won... they want and need the insight, the depth from your videos. These...

Leveraging LI to work for you

Your LinkedIn presence can have three pillars: 1. organic content: posting stuff on your personal profile. This includes commenting. 2. advertising content: paying to put content in front of your target audience (with company profile) 3. making connections - growing your network (through your personal profile) Most companies are scared...

Does advertising on LI make sense for you?

Should we advertise on LinkedIn? There are two things to consider. Thing #1? CLV, or your customer lifetime value: if it's below $10-$15K, you're going to have a tough time making a return on LinkedIn. A lot of companies get this. It's a good rule of thumb that's easy to...

LinedIn isn’t social media

Are you showing up regularly and kicking butt on Linkedin? If not - if you think there is a lot more to Li than what you're currently getting out of it - then here is some uncommon, but helpful advice: Don't think of Linkedin as social media. You see, in...

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