Content distribution 2.0

What’s demand generation without successful content distribution? It’s like Barcelona without Messi, peanut butter without jelly, dance without music… you get the picture: no bueno. So, how to do it right? In the beginning, there was content distribution 1.0: Write something and share it on a few channels.  And that...

Adding personality to your marketing & sales collateral

Most B2B marketing and sales collateral sucks. There is a reason why “B2B” has been dubbed “boring to boring”.  Is there a quick fix? Yes. 1. Go read your homepage now for 8 seconds 2. Put yourself in your best customers’ shoes… before they became your clients… 3. Ask yourself:...

The 5 steps to a better story

In marketing, a story is NOT a nicely written series of events in chronological order. A story is a narrative that pulls in your customers and attracts them like a gigantic magnet. Because it resonates with them on multiple deeper levels. In order for a story to work in marketing...

Give and take, not give and give

Be super-generous with content, don't try to pitch and sell - the buyers will just come. Yeah, right. This myth feels credible, but it's one-sided. Here's the thing... (Not gonna be a popular, but here I go) Agreeing with the need to give give give, I also think that in...

Ungate your content. Now

I wish people could be brainwashed into healthy thinking and decision-making. 🤨 Especially founders and marketers. Here's what I mean... It's easy to see how consuming the wrong kind of media makes people dumber, and makes them develop bad patterns such as fear, greed, egocentrism... you name it. The opposite...

May the best content win

Yes, you can win the game with an inferior product, but better marketing than your competitor. Most people think this is unfair. I just think it's life. Like... a lion killing a cute little rabbit isn't unfair, it's life and part of a greater mechanism. In your marketplace, the case...

Get better at writing copy and content

“You can't replace reading with other sources of information like videos, because you need to read in order to write well, and you need to write in order to think well.” — Paul Graham I know several of you follow Farnam Street, which is where I stole this quote from....

Demand generation: content, community, education, entertainment

Here is low hanging fruit that zero (or very few) of your competitors are using: Go in very heavy very early in the buying journey » targeting and engaging the 97% of the market, who are NOT in buying mode. You can win the battle with great content and building...

The #1 sales & marketing killer

What causes your marketing and sales to die? ☠️ I'll tell you. It's two words: 🥁 Generic messaging. If what your communicating is 1. unhelpful for the buyer 2. self-aggrendizing 3. feature-focused 4. boring ...or all of the above, you end up using words that don't excite and don't sell....

Being better B2B marketers

It's career-tips time for B2B marketers. These are important tips for SDR/BDRs too, because your role is changing; your company needs you to step up and become a (Linkedin) marketer. Here it goes: if you want to become a better B2B marketer, do these two things daily: 1. read great...

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