The GTM wedge

Go-to Market… demand generation… Have we been making things too hard for everyone?  I think we have… but there’s a solution. Here is the thing: I haven’t found a GTM or growth or marketing or ‘whatever’ framework that - tech companies - consulting/dev companies with - small(ish) marketing teams -...

Demand generation: are you giving up too fast?

What sucks about Demand Generation programs? The beginning. Demand generation takes time and loads of effort to get going. Initially, you need dedication - almost a kind of religious belief - to stick with it until the results come. Not so with lead generation (cold outbound, MQL-focused inbound etc.): you...

How to avoid webinar fatigue

It's marketers' fault that tens of millions of people worldwide have webinar-fatigue. Why? Because this is how they run webinars at the top, middle and bottom of the funnel: - come up with interesting title that sounds like you will help solve a customer's problem (this is actually good) -...

Take the leap, it might surprise you

She: I dare you to do a flip! Me: You're nuts. She:....... Me (going for it): ...wheeee!! I was facing a similar fear when we had the idea to launch live roundtables/webinars every week. Here were some of my fears: - what if nobody shows up? - what if I...

Should you bother with marketing?

You might have sales dialed in with little to no marketing... and you might be doing millions of dolares in ARR. You might be tempted to sprinkle on some marketing magic to ignite extra growth-engines. My advice: don't. Marketing is a more strategic affair, not an add-on or an afterthought....

Demand and lead generation — thoughts on the awareness pyramid

Two thoughts on the awareness pyramid...1. when most companies speak of demand generation, they refer to targeting people in the product aware or maybe solution aware stages.How do I know? Look at most ads - they want me, a visitor clueless about their product, to book a demo with them....

Common indicators for LI and TikTok

Views, clicks, followers. According to smart people, these are so-called vanity metrics you're not supposed to care much about. To an extent that's true, but here is a more nuanced approach you might find useful... Whether or not views (or any other metric) is a meaningful indicator for YOU, depends...

Don’t just capture demand, generate it

There is all this buzz around technology that signals intent at target accounts.  SDRs love it, marketing loves it because it’s simple. This is the rough process: 1. intent signal comes from the account 2. marketing launches awareness campaign targeting the account 3. SDR calls the account when there is...

Category creation in B2B

You've just got to love strategies that are counterintuitive to status quo-thinking. Where you’d first think “this makes no sense, this will make a company go bankrupt”… An example is open sourcing a technology’s source code. Or making a major part of a software service freely available.  The first time...

What even is demand generation?

Is “demand generation” just a buzzword that means a different thing for everyone? Is it the same... or an evolution of inbound? It’s neither, and here is why. First, demand generation is neither a synonym, nor an evolution of inbound imo. Demand generation by definition is creating demand, where there isn’t any...

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