B2B on TikTok: yay or nay

Me in 2006: “social media is not for B2B” Me in 2007: “Twitter is for B2B but not Facebook” Me in 2012: “Tw and Facebook can work for B2B but not Instagram” I was late to the show three times and I’m not about to repeat it with the social...

What works better for video? Short-form or long-form?

Here is why you should keep doing longer videos regardless of what the average view-time stats and engagement stats tell you... The prospects who end up going deep in your pipeline and sometimes all the way to closed-won... they want and need the insight, the depth from your videos. These...

TikTok FOMO in B2B

B2B marketers doing thought leadership: do you have TikTok FOMO? If you have limited resources, it's usually wise to think 2x when joining a new platform - before it has proven to work in your niche. Why? You spend the months of time (money) to build up your presence and...

Klear’s category design

Been going on about blue oceans and category design... And I thought: wouldn't it be fun if I told you how my company, Klear B2B (B2B marketing-growth agency, consultancy and training) is doing its own category design? 1. Discover and validate: we discovered from client conversations that B2B agencies' modus...

How to get your prospects to like you

People (and companies!) buy from people they 1. know 2. like 3. trust Obvious, right? You've heard this 734 times - but the (multi)million dollar question is: What's the single most efficient way to achieve this in a digital environment? Create great content! - I hear the resounding answer. Yes,...

Providing value in your videos

Is done better than perfect? Not always. But, when it comes to launching marketing initiatives like social or video, aiming for perfect quality is going to paralyze you. But, there is one thing you don't want to comprimise on - even in the early stages of video creation and social:...

Focus on the “right” things

It's not that the things on the left are wrong. They aren't.They're just the wrong things to focus on, when creating (video) content for your market.When you focus on the left side, you will quickly be paralyzed and overwhelmed, feel bad and hold off releases. And lose sight of the...

Content quality > aesthetics any day

What people think B2B social video 📹 should be about: - sounding smart - looking flawless - making a professional presentation Who could blame them for thinking that? They're positive values, right? Yes. Except for the fact that social selling works on a different set of premises. And these false...

Lauching a B2B video initiative in 3,2,1

3+1 commandments for launching a B2B video initiative I'm probably the 2357th person to tell you that video works like gangbusters for getting sales opportunities. What the 2356 people before me might not have said is how easy it is to mess it up. We're sharing this based on having...

Your prospects don’t care about you

You don’t matter?! Ouch. I understand that this line is not a good way to make friends, so let me explain… Video on social media and in prospecting is HUGE. You know this, you’ve probably seen stats, but I’m not here to give you more numbers. I’m hoping to help...

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